Laxity of the lower face and neck area are common concerns for patients seeking facial rejuvenation. Age, the effects of gravity, and sun damage contribute to drooping of the jaw line, producing jowls. Similar changes that occur on the corner of the mouth and chin are often referred to as “marionette lines.” The “turkey wobble neck” is a common analogy patients use to describe changes in the neck. Advanced facelift techniques allow this procedure to be performed in two hours, with patients going home after surgery and returning to their normal activities within 1 to 2 days. This is in sharp contrast to ten years ago, when patients had to endure a 7-hour procedure and remained hospitalized for up to a week.
During this procedure, an incision line is started above the ear in the hairline and is traced inferiorly along the front of the ear margin just inside of what is commonly visible. The incision continues around the earlobe in the natural skin fold at the back edge of the ear. The skin is carefully undermined and raised, giving Dr. Selem access to the supporting structures of the face, which are often tightened. The skin is meticulously repositioned. Dr. Selem doesn’t advance the surgery to an area that may risk damaging nerves that innervate muscles and sensation of the face. In some instances, a minimal amount of fat must be removed from under the chin to optimally contour the neck and jaw lines. The procedure takes approximately 2 hours and can be performed in the office with the patient under local anesthesia, or at an outpatient surgical facility with sedation. Dr. Selem will see the patient the next day to remove bandages. Patients should expect bruising and swelling for 5-7 days following the procedure. This procedure can be combined with other types of facial rejuvenation.
Dr. Joseph Selem and the staff at The Selem Center for Ophthalmology & Plastic Surgery would be happy to help you set up a private consultation to discuss face lift surgery. Schedule an appointment online or call us at 305-444-0221.